Executive Summary

PinkSand Foundation focuses on the philanthropic development of music, media and performance arts education. We develop and maintain a wide alliance of Bermuda business leaders, government partners, educators, parents and media/art supporters.

We support a wide variety of dance, theatre, music, fine art, media projects, and education programs by planning and developing events including – professional development for educators, further education scholarships, media and arts consulting, strategic planning, and charity fundraising events.

Charity Details

Charity Name: PinkSand Foundation

Official Address: P.O. Box HM 948
Hamilton HM DX
Telephone: (441) 777-4000
Website: www.PinkSandFoundation.org
Email: [email protected]

Legal Status:


Who Is PinkSand Foundation?

Mission – The PinkSand Foundation aims to inspire investment in the development of media and arts education, entertainment and programs in Bermuda. 

Purpose – The Foundation has been organized to operate for charitable and educational purposes, including but not limited to:

    1. Increasing public engagement with the arts;
    2. Encouraging artistic excellence;
    3. Conducting educational, cultural, and research programs; and
    4. Increasing private sector investment in the arts.


Our Goals


PinkSand Foundation seeks to… create and implement arts training and education programmes for students and adults; and to provide professional development growth opportunities for related stakeholders.


PinkSand Foundation seeks to…strengthen public and private sector investment in the arts through legislative advocacy, resource development, and consultation.


PinkSand Foundation seeks to…increase individual awareness and recognition of the value of arts and arts education as a key component of a vibrant and progressive community.


PinkSand Foundation seeks to…secure the operational stability of the Foundation and its ability to innovate in responding to the needs of the community.

Donate to PinkSand Foundation

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  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, JCB, Maestro